In conjunction with the re-release of the Foundation Of Character this past month, I have decided to do a blog series expanding on the ‘Encouragement For Parents’ portion of the devotional. This section of the book is designed to speak to parents in a way to let them know they are not alone in their struggle on this pilgrimage of parenthood.
In order to teach my children about God's character I found that my own foundation needed some suring up first. This week and in the eleven to follow, I will be sharing all about my struggles, misconceptions, and growth in the areas of: Love, Hospitality, Intercession, Initiative, Self-Control, Endurance, Faith, Flexibility, Gentleness, Humility, Joyfulness, and Patience.
On To Love, Or Unconditional Love Rather.
Most people struggle with the concept of love, let alone unconditional love. I was definitely one of those people.
If you are like me, you have spent most of your life seeking other people's approval. Some of these included parents, peers, friends, a significant other, bosses, so on and so on. I struggled to be liked, and would even change who I was in order to blend into the group so I would be accepted. This was not just something I struggled with before I came to Christ. It was something that I battled with for many years even after I became a Christian.
My salvation story was directly linked to the events of 9/11. I did not grow up in a home that talked about the Lord on a daily basis. However, there were those moments of going to church for Christmas and Easter. When it came to God, I did have an inkling that there was a right side and a wrong side. On the day the Twin Towers fell I thought to myself; I better get on the right side.
Getting on the right side, to me, was doing the right things. Once again striving for approval. I began going to church, reading my Bible, being a ‘good person’, helping those who are in need, the list of works went on and on. As well as the list of people I needed to gain approval from; God, my pastors, the college religious group leaders, and the rest of the world who was now holding me to a higher Christian standard.
This continued to be my perspective until a series of events unfolded in my life in 2007. It all began with the arrival of my first child. This was the first time in my entire life that I experienced and extended unconditional love. I looked down into her sweet little face and was overcome with love. As the months rolled on, I remember Destiny would lay on the bed between Brett and I, and all I could say over and over again is “I love her!” She didn’t have to do anything to earn my love, just simply exist. She was my daughter and I loved her, she could do no wrong in my eyes.
One morning shortly after this, I was reading through book of Matthew and 3:17 jumped off of the page.
And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased."
Do you know what Jesus did before God spoke those words over Him. Nothing. Jesus hadn’t done one miracle. He hadn’t spoken in public ministry. He hadn’t even asked a single disciple to follow Him yet. He was simply God’s son and God wanted everyone to know that “I Love Him!”
In that moment I felt the Lord say to me, the way I love Jesus, the way you love Destiny, is the same way I love you.
In my children’s devotional I define love as follows: Love is giving without wanting anything back. That day God revealed to me that His love for me is without expectations, and without condition. The only thing He requires of me is to believe Him when He tells me; I Love You. And if I do that one thing then, I could do no wrong in His eyes.
Yes. Unconditional love does exist.
If you have never experienced unconditional love before, now is your chance. God has been working since the beginning of creation to tell you and show you that He loves you. All you have to do to receive His unconditional love is, believe Him.
I invite you to pray this simple prayer. Jesus, I want to know what your unconditional love is like. I want to experience it for myself. Please reveal it to me. Amen.
Here are some verses for you to meditate on the topic of receiving God's love:
Proverbs 8:17 John 3:16
John 15:9 John 16:27
Romans 5:5 1 Corinthians 8:3
1 Corinthians 16:14 2 Corinthians 5:14-15
Ephesians 3:17-19 Ephesians 4:15
Ephesians 5:2 1 John 4:16
1 John 4:19 Jude 20,21
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Volume 1: Bearing Good Fruit
Volume 2: Walking In Love And Forgiveness
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Volume 2: Walking In Love And Forgiveness
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