The Value Of A Parent

I believe there is a worldwide lack in the understanding of the priceless value of parents and the call of parenthood. Much of society believes parenting is not as important as things like career, money, obtaining material gain and, shockingly the newest item on the list, full-time ministry.

In studying God's word we find this could not be further from the truth. Parents are indispensable. They have a most important calling and purpose on the earth. They have the privilege and opportunity  to shape the future church from its infancy to be a body after God’s own heart.

However, over the past couple of generations parents have been baited by the enemy into outsourcing their influence. They have given it to teachers, daycare providers, coaches, Sunday school teachers, and/or  youth group leaders. This is a heavy weight to place on these people and believe me they are feeling it and are overwhelmed! All this  is because parents feel or  have been convinced they are inadequate to teach about faith, character, and how to succeed in academics.

The truth is that you are more than capable and have the highest qualifications to disciple your children. The fact that God gave them to you should be proof enough that He believes in you and trusts you with your kids! He has equipped you over the years of your life through the experiences of His faithfulness, grace, and mercy.  All you have to do is share your stories.

It is as simple as the Lord’s commission to parents in Deuteronomy 6:5-7
And you shall love the Lord your God with all your mind and heart and with your entire being and with all your might. And these words which I am commanding you this day shall be first in your own minds and hearts; then you shall whet and sharpen them so as to make them penetrate, and teach and impress them diligently upon your children, and you shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you lie down and when you rise up and when you walk along the road.

In this passage God is telling parents to seek Him for themselves and to diligently and intentionally share their stories with their children.  
Home should be the primary place of spiritual influence and instruction. The Body of Christ/the church should be a means of reinforcing what is being taught at home.

We can be intentional in expanding our children's knowledge of the Bible every day via Bible stories and personal testimonies.  We can be diligent in working with them on their character as they mature. Most importantly, we need to invest our time in getting to know our children. This will reveal to us how we can pray and encourage them in their God-given talents, gifts, learning personalities, and love languages. When we do this we are fulfilling another mandate God gave parents in Proverbs 22:6. Train up a  child in the way he should go, keeping with his individual gift or bent and when he is old he will not depart from it.

When we own the calling of parenthood, we can expect life changing encounters with the Lord. Life changing encounters for ourselves, for our spouses, and our children.  The atmosphere of our homes will be peaceful, and our social interaction with the outside world will be empowered by love. Ultimately, this will effectively change our culture, this generation, and the generations to come.

No one else is going to be better at mothering or fathering your children than you! Why? Because you are the only ones who can teach your child what unconditional love is. Imagine if you delegated your parental duties to someone else. Yes, your child might have a mentor along the way, but they will be constantly measured by their performance and will never know what it is to be loved for simply who they are. Parents have the power to give their children the one thing everyone is looking for their whole life long, to be loved for who they are.  

The best place to start fulfilling the great commission is at home!

Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
Matthew 28:19-20

Here are some amazing resources to deepen your understanding of how God values you as a parent.

Loving Your Kids On Purpose
The Mission Of Motherhood
The Ministry Of Motherhood
The Five Love Languages Of Children
And of course our books

Some awesome resources!

Foundation of Character: Bearing Good Fruit enables busy families to build Godly character as they learn about and obtain the Fruits of the Spirit. Providing them with a home and a life filled with Love, Joy, and Peace.

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Foundation of Character: Walking In Love And Forgiveness enables busy families to build Godly character as they seek Jesus and desire to be renewed into His image. Providing them with a home and a life filled with Love, Forgiveness, Generosity and Compassion.

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Foundation of Character: Pursuing Wisdom enables busy families to build Godly character as they seek after wisdom and understanding. Providing them with a home and a life filled with Love, Determination, and Security.

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