Re-cap Of Our Summer

Over this past summer I spent some time sharing the testimony of our homeschooling experience. I hope that it is an encouragement to those who have contemplated homeschooling for themselves. That being said, I know that not everyone is called to homeschooling hence episode 2! However, every parent is called to disciple their own children.  If you are discouraged or overwhelmed by this thought, I put a link to some of my previous posts below in hopes of buoying your confidence. I have also released two books this past year and will be releasing a third before the end of the year to assist you in this important, yet at times daunting, endeavor. You can find out more and order about it here: Foundation Of Character Volume 1: Bearing Good Fruit from Amazon (here). And Volume 2: Walking In Love And Forgiveness (here). If you want to be kept up to date on the release of Volume 3: Pursuing Wisdom, or any new posts please hit subscribe on the toolbar above.

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Posts Of Encouragement

               Bearing Good Fruit
Walking In Love And Forgiveness
