The Case for Character

The world over, is lacking in the understanding of the priceless value of parents and the call of parenthood.

Society at large believes parenting is not as important as a career, money, obtaining material gain and, shockingly the newest item on the list, full-time ministry. In fact, most do not even recognize it as a ‘calling’. Rather, it is described as something we seem to have fallen into, or  happened by 'accident'. Sadly, thus the value of children mirror that of parenthood. In studying God's words we find this could not be further from the truth. Parents have a most important calling and purpose in the earth, they have the privilege of shaping and molding the future church from its very roots of childhood to be a body after God’s own heart. This curriculum supports parents in this calling and provides tools for the task of revealing to their children the character of God.

When we own the calling of parenthood, we can expect life changing encounters with the Lord. Not only for ourselves but for our spouses, children, the atmosphere of our homes, and our impact on the outside world. Ultimately, effectively changing our culture, this generation, and the generations to come. The way this curriculum aids parents in the pursuit of this calling is by embracing 2 Peter 1:5-7.  For this reason, adding your diligence employ every effort in exercising your faith to develop character, and in character, knowledge, and in knowledge, self-control, and in self-control steadfastness, and in steadfastness godliness,  And in godliness brotherly affection, and brotherly affection Christian love.

For many years parents have been baited into outsourcing their influence in faith, character, and knowledge.

Faith. Home should be the primary place of spiritual influence and instruction. The Body of Christ / the church, should be a means of reinforcing what is being taught at home. However, the majority of parents have forfeited teaching their children about God, Salvation, and the Bible to Sunday school teachers and youth group leaders. Simply because they feel or have been convinced they are inadequate to do so.

Character. If you were to asked someone at random “what character is?” Would they be able to answer? Character is the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual. We are living in a generation that is more concerned with self-promotion and personal gain, rather than the moral condition of their hearts.

Knowledge. I understand not everyone can home-school, nor are they called to do so. However, we can be intentional in expanding our children's knowledge of the Bible every day via Bible stories or personal testimonies.  We can be diligent in working with them on their character as they mature. Most importantly, we need to invest our time in getting to know our children so we can pray and encourage them in their God given talents, gifts, learning personalities, and love languages. When we do this we are fulfilling the mandate in Proverbs 22:6. Train up a  child in the way he should go, keeping with his individual gift or bent and when he is old he will not depart from it.

Foundation of Character was specifically designed to help parents reach their children in each one of these areas.

To Know God, And To Know Him Rightly.
The Foundation Of Character curriculum can be used year after year. Getting to know God is an ever deepening journey. There is always another level that will be revealed to your child every time you go through the curriculum. Often our children's Christian education is limited to the typical childhood Bible stories. It is necessary for children to hear these stories, but it is vital for them to know who God is IN these stories. Throughout the Old Testament God reveals different facets of Himself and continues to do so all the way through the end of the New Testament. This curriculum starts children on a journey of searching out the character of God on a daily basis, helping them to have a solid foundation to build on as they mature. ‘And when they are old’ they will know God’s character so well they will be firmly rooted and grounded in His love. So much so, they will be able to carry the love of God to the lost, wounded, and hurting in whatever capacity the Lord calls them to. To teach your children they can co-labor with God in taking on His characteristics through prayer and having a teachable heart, is to teach them how to fulfill the two greatest commandments to Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.

To Know Him Is To Love Him
The Lord has commissioned us as parents to fulfill the mandates in Deuteronomy 6:5-7 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your mind and heart and with your entire being and with all your might. And these words which I am commanding you this day shall be first in your own minds and hearts; then you shall whet and sharpen them so as to make them penetrate, and teach and impress them diligently upon your children, and you shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you lie down and when you rise up and when you walk along the road. The Foundation of Character curriculum is a great tool to assist you in doing this in your own home.
My prayer is, by sowing this curriculum into the body, we will reap a future filled with mature Christians who are able to handle whatever comes their way. Your child will identify themselves with the character of God instead of a call, church, or ministry. They will not be preoccupied with performing and proving themselves to man and God. Rather, they will be secure in and own their relationship with God. Rooting and grounding themselves in their pursuit of God's heart rather than man's praises.
