Good Neighbor

What makes a good neighbor? You will have as many different answers to this question as there are different personalities in the world. For the extroverts they like neighbors to come over and hangout. For Omniverts they want them to chat over the fence. For introverts the nod and wave from the front step will do just fine. But there are a few neighborly behaviors that are desirable to all across the board. 

Neighbors tend to get along the best when

1. A neighbor is friendly, a smile goes a long way.

2. Helpful. I know this is a little extreme but great for a good laugh Midwest Nice

3. Trusting, “Hey, can you keep an eye on our house while we are on vacation?”

These are great civil behaviors, but what brings us to the next level?  How can we be a good neighbor? 

Don’t Compare 

Start with not keeping up with the Jones. The thing that will kill a relationship from the get go is competition. No one wants someone in their lives who is always trying to one up them. 

Be A Safe Place

Or rather a safe person. We have all been there. We have shared something in confidence to someone else only to hear it has been aired to the whole neighborhood. A good rule to live by is unless people ask you to share the information they have given you, always keep it to yourself. 

Be Genuine  

What people really want, need, and pursue are people who are authentic. People have a sixth sense built in, they know when people are being genuine or fake. Most of the time we can tell someone's character within the first conversation. True, someone might be having a hard or off day, so always give space for this possibility. However, recurring behaviors always give a person away. 

Major On Grace

We are all in process, none of us has arrived. Facebook has been helpful to remind me of this through their memories tool. Frequently I click on mine and travel back 10 years and cringe at the person I once was. Thank God He didn’t give up on me. Not only that He put people in my life who didn’t either. Be that person for others.

Be A Cheerleader

I know covid had some really hard moments, but up from the ashes always comes new life. One of the beautiful things that came was Birthday Parades. What a more joyful world we would live in if we would celebrate milestones and victories with our neighbors.  

Extend A Shoulder 

And what a more tender world we would live in if we all carried the sorrows and hard times with our neighbors. One of our neighbors lost her daughter recently, to grieve with her was all we could do. Some days it would look one way, and other days completely different. When someone is having a hard time or is in mourning, never say to them if you need something just let me know. Because in all honesty they do not know what they need, they can't even survey the wreckage of their lives to tell you what they need. So instead we come to my next tip……

See A Need Be A Help

This can be extended in ways beyond the above scenario. To something as simple as mowing that extra strip between your yard and the neighbors instead of arguing over who is responsible for it. Or on a windy day when you see that someone’s garbage can has blown over, pick it up and bring it back to the house (if empty). Small acts of kindness go a really long way. (Want more on this subject check out Becoming Apart )

Practice The Art Of Hospitality 

If you do these things you will eventually get to the place with your neighbors where you will enjoy each other's company., So much so you will want to practice the art of hospitality with them. If you missed my blog on this topic you can check it out here.  

To sum it up. A  good neighbor is the Golden Rule in action: 

Treat others the way you would like to be treated. 

Or more poetically Love, your neighbor, as yourself.

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