Training Through Tradition

When I speak of training I am speaking about relationship training rather than the more commonly known obedience training. 

Your child is on a journey of learning how life works and how to interact with others in their little worlds. When your child is all grown up and ready to leave your home they will not have to know how to obey the world around them. However, they will have to know how to manage themselves in relationships with peers, co-workers, bosses, friends, spouse, and one day their own children.

When it comes to relationships the most important thing that we need to teach our children is that healthy relationships can only exist when we intentionally invest in them. One way we can show our children this truth is by creating family traditions. Traditions give our children a feeling of security and belonging. 

We have many traditions in our home, and we enjoy them all year round! We celebrate holidays with the typical traditions of stockings at Christmas, scavenger hunts at Easter, and picnics on the 4th of July. Along with these we also have special traditions that come with the changing seasons. Outdoor movies in the summer, festivals in the fall, snow ice cream during the first winter storms. However, the tradition that we cherish the most is our children's bedtime routines. No matter how old they are we intend to end the day with snuggling up and digging into our favorite stories. We pray and sing over them, and if need be talk through anything that might be lingering in their hearts or minds from both the positive and negatives of the day.  We do all this with a specific purpose in mind. To instill in each one of our children a deep knowing that they are always welcome to come 'home'. That we are a refuge for them and no matter how old they are our arms and laps are always open for them to climb into.

Does your family have unique traditions or special moments that you celebrate each year? Please share them with us, we would love to hear them.


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