Everyone knows regular maintenance on your home is important to keep up with. It is said :Laziness leads to a sagging roof; idleness leads to a leaky house.It is also well known, our lives are very full and sometimes the maintenance of our home is not at the forefront of our minds. Most of the time we are so busy running here and there and giving into the tyranny of the urgent we forget to be proactive in certain areas that when we finally notice a problem it's already reached a state of an emergency.
What this age-old proverb is telling us is that it is better to be proactive instead of reactive. If we give attention to places in our lives that need regular maintenance we will be better off for it.
For example, let's take the area of physical fitness. Maybe you're like me when you were younger you could run, jump, and play with much ease. But then a few kids later all of a sudden out of nowhere, you're winded just going up the stairs!
Or let's take the area of what we believe about ourselves. Has your idleness ever caused you to compare yourself to others while scrolling through social media feeds? All of a sudden there's a dripping in our minds of lies: I don't have it together, I am not enough, their life is better than mine.
Or maybe an even harder area, our relationship with our children. When they were younger we took so many photos, read so many books, played so many games with them. Now all of a sudden in the busyness of life a few years have passed and it feels like he never even sit down for a dinner together. You might even feel like I don't even know my children anymore.
What is the remedy? Pro-activity.
Just like we need to repair some shingles on a roof or recover it completely, we need to be intentional about daily maintenance of our hearts, minds, spirits and body. This looks different for every single person because we don't all live in the same type of houses.
But for me what it looks like is reading my Bible, reminding myself of the truth of what God says about me, believing it, and owning it. So that when I scroll through social media I don't forget who I am in Christ.
It's being intentional with my relationship with my husband taking time each day to talk and pray together.
With my children it's intentionally keeping the communication going. Just to talk and listen not to respond but to understand.
And when it comes to physical fitness I could do better but I started with a basic walk giving myself the time and space to breathe and to move my whole body.
How will you keep your house, what daily,weekly,monthly, yearly maintenance will you intentionally proactively do, so that you can enjoy the earthly home you have been given?
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