Over the last few weeks we have had certain circumstances arise in our lives that have caused us to be grateful for the choices we have made in pursuing the quality of life we wanted, and the work life balance we needed. But the reality of it all is we are constantly greeted with the Unexpected.
Things that require or request we put everything on hold to be with people we love, serve those in need, or go adventuring when cheap tickets or opportunities arise that we just can't pass up.
This ability didn’t come overnight; it was something that we have been working towards for a long time.
About 10 years ago we made a decision to be a single income family. The purpose of this was so that I could stay at home with the children and educate them. This unknowingly prepared us to live inside certain financial parameters that would unknowingly prepare us for our next step. About 7 years ago we made the decision to move. With that Brett took a job that paid less, but gave us more time together. 2 years ago we decided to switch roles. Brett would come home and I would start real estate expanding the time we would have together. 9 months ago we sold our house, and bought a building out right alleviating us of a mortgage effectively increasing the amount of time we could have together.
If you are friends with a real estate agent, it's only a matter of time until you hear the phrase work/ life balance. It's no secret that a real estate agent is on call from morning to night. If they're not doing showings they're answering phone calls. If they're not answering phone calls then they're most likely writing up a contract. Because of this we have to be aware of our work/life balance. In a work/life balance the goal is to make x amount of dollars so that you can have x amount of time with your family, friends, or hobbies.
If this is something you are wishing you would have, I have good news for you. Having a healthy work/life balance isn't only reserved for real estate agents, it's for everyone.
There's one caveat to this though, once you reach your desired work/life balance no one warns you about the guilt you will feel. There's a constant I should be doing more, I should be working harder, I'm not doing what they're doing so I must be doing it wrong. When you determine what your work/life balance is there is one big piece you have to keep in mind. Nobody has the same work/life balance. Nobody has the same x amount of dollars and the same x amount of time that they're shooting for. It may take longer for others to get where you are because they're variables are different.
So, first how do you determine what your work/life balance is, and secondly how do you get to where you want to be? The answer can only be found in you. You and you alone have to be the one to determine your boundary. You are your boundary keeper, and the facilitator of your work life balance.
Or in other words what I tell my children and myself quite frequently is:
Keep your eyes on your own paper.
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