Do You Trust Me?

This might be a shock to some people, but faith is something that I wrestle with, a lot! Sometimes, on a daily basis. I feel like I have the same conversation over and over again with God, the subject matter is the only thing that seems to change. I begin to voice my doubts, worries, anxieties, and ‘what if’ questions. However, every single time God responds in the same way “Do you trust me?”  When God calls us to things that are bigger than ourselves, like raising up the next generation to be wholehearted followers of Christ, we have to ask ourselves if we are going to trust ourselves or God.

Survival vs. Faith
When it comes to parenting I feel like I can slip into survival mode pretty easily. Meaning that I respond with the first thing that comes to mind just trying to get through the day, week, month, and in some cases year. Now when I become aware of my survivalist mentality I  make an intentional switch into a posture of faith. Faith: Is trusting that God loves you and will keep His promises. (Foundation Of Character Week 7) When we simplify faith down to its core we come up with 2 very simple pieces. 1. Do we believe He loves us? If we understand and receive His love for us, it is easy to trust Him to keep His promises. 2. Do we trust Him, not just as our ticket into heaven, but do we trust Him with every aspect of our lives. The very ins and outs of our days. When I make this choice a light seems to go on and all of a sudden everything I do has value, weight, and a purpose. I try to remind myself of this purpose every opportunity I get, it may look a little like this:  I love doing full time ministry!!! Already this morning I have had the opportunity to pray for the sick and hurting, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, comfort those who mourn, preach the word, encourage, edify, disciple, and worship with brothers and sisters in Christ. Motherhood is the mission field!

Emotions vs. God’s Word
There are so many times I began to believe how I am feeling instead of what God’s words says about me, or my current situation. Instead of believing that I am more than a conquer, I think I can’t do this. Instead of believing that God’s plans for me are for good and not for harm. I think nothing ever seems to work out the way I want instead of believing I can do all things in Christ. I think and say to myself, I am so tired, worn out, burnt out, and I don’t know how I am going to make it to the end of the day. In these moments I must stop and ask myself where am I going to plant my faith? In God’s word, or in my own feelings, because where I plant, I will harvest.  

Worry vs. Hope
I heard it said somewhere that it is a mother's job to worry. I have lived this way and I tell you what it’s not fun, there is no peace, and the only thing I got out of it was sleepless nights. When we put every aspect of our life in the faithful hands of the Lord, then and only then will we ever experience true peace, joy or hope. I had to come to the realization that not only was God capable of saving me, He is capable of saving my children. In fact it’s His job, not mine. I needed to stop trying to do His job and get back to doing my job; trusting that God loves me and will keep His promises. Especially the promise in Acts 16:31:

Hearing vs. Doing
But none of this matters one bit unless I respond to the Lord with, “Yes, I trust you.” Not just in my thinking or in my heart, but in my doing. I have read and heard what the Bible says and I have chosen to believe what it says. But in order to live in true faith I must do what it says. I must take the next step that is in front of me, whatever that may be, and become a co-labor with Christ for my own salvation, as well as discipling my children in all of the good news of the gospel. For we know that they are saved by His blood and the words of our testimonies!

Do you have faith? Do you believe God’s word? Do you have hope? Are you sharing your testimony? Do You Trust Him? Maybe now is the time to start!

Inspiring Books Full Of Testimonies!

         Expecting Miracle

Always Enough: God's Miraculous Provision among the Poorest Children on Earth by [Baker, Rolland, Baker, Heidi]
Always Enough 
  Ever Increasing Faith 

Foundation Of Character 
Children's Devotional 

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